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Air compressor honeycomb air filter 17801-78080 17801-78100 17801-7808 A26032 Quality filter maintenance accessories
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Air compressor honeycomb air filter 17801-78080 17801-78100 17801-7808 A26032 Quality filter maintenance accessories

Particulate pollutants suspended in the air are composed of solid or liquid particles. Atmospheric dust can be divided into narrow atmospheric dust and broad atmospheric dust: narrow atmospheric dust refers to solid particles in the atmosphere, that is, real dust; The modern concept of atmospheric dust includes both solid particles and liquid particles of polydispersed aerosols, which refers to suspended particles in the atmosphere, with a particle size of less than 10μm, which is the broad sense of atmospheric dust. For particles larger than 10μm, because they are heavier, after a period of irregular Brownian motion, under the action of gravity, they will gradually settle to the ground, is the main target of ventilation dust removal; The 0.1-10μm dust particles in the atmosphere also do irregular movement in the air, because of the light weight, it is easy to float with the air stream, and it is difficult to settle to the ground. Therefore, the concept of atmospheric dust in air cleaning technology is different from the concept of dust in general dust removal technology.
  • 17801-78080 17801-78100 17801-7808 A26032

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